Setting new standards in the hearing industry together

We combine innovation and passion for an improved quality of life through advanced ear therapy.

We develop holistic therapy options for

ear therapists
ENT doctors
spoke therapists
occupational therapists
research partner

our vision

The ambitious project began in 2016 with co-founders Sandra Kappner and Anette Krohmer, who developed a training to become ear therapist. This was aimed at specialists in the areas of audiology, speech therapy and ENT medicine. Up to this date, they have successfully recruited over.
The flagship of the Kog. Kon. Company
The CleverFox Application
Discover the smart way of hearing training: with the CleverFoxTraining App

the founder

Sandra Kappner

Experienced ear therapist, audiologist and tinnitus specialist with over 15 years of experience. Developer of innovative solutions for various hearing problems and internationally recognized for her expertise in cognitive auditory processing.

Annette Krohmer

Audiologist, audio- and eartherapist and pediatric acoustician. She has been self-employed for over 30 years and founded the BAK Training Center for 21 years ago out of her own ambition.

Thomas Sand

Audiologist, self-employed for over 30 years. Founder of two hearing therapy centers that have created a platform for advanced hearing aid fitting.

enthusiastic testimonies

Benjamin Krebs,
Audiologist from Gescher
Pretty clever: With the CleverFox App, the application is not only very convenient for my customers, but also the evaluation for me!
Ulrike Grimmer,
Audiologist from Berlin-Bernau
I've been looking for a hearing therapy procedure like this for years, thanks to Kog.Kon. I finally found what I was looking for and it's so easy to implement.
Julia Plewa,
Speech therapist from Wolfsburg
Quick help, very good service: I am completely contend with Kog,Kon.'s products and services.
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